
The Museum of Happiness (TMoH), takes on form of a museum which aim is to implement various measures of well-being, happiness, and satisfaction within the lives of individuals.

TMoH wants to create a space, to offer different alternative frames of reference, by promoting the search for and access to new options or frameworks of existence through collective creation and recreation. This project will provide a space of education where people of all ages and backgrounds can meet to learn about the essence of long lasting happiness and well-being, a discourse we encourage in the project through facilitating questions, recreational activities, and workshops.

TMoH proposes to build sites for interactions and create interlocutions between and with the subjects, resulting in a series of live, dynamic, changing, and renewing actions that will facilitate the implementation of happiness in participants.

TMoHs aims to cultivate happiness and focuses on the construction of communicative and reflexive practices aimed at the construction and reconstruction of qualitative thinking and sensory capacity, offering personalized learning frameworks to each of the visitors.