The Museum of Happiness it’s commissioned by Region Jönköpings län/Jönköping County within DISTANCIO, a project curated by Anna Viola Hallberg, which provides space, time, and concentration for making art, doing research and for reflection. The involved towns, amongst them Mullsjö, becomes nodes in the international art scene and invaluable exchange with the artists producing critical thinking, artistic experimentation, cross-cultural collaboration, site-specific research, interdisciplinary knowledge production and community reassessments.
In DISTANCIO, the artist is a researcher with the social body and its inhabitants as objects. Central is the public space, the place that we all share but have different access to.
In DISTANCIO, the artists Martinka Bobrikova & Oscar de Carmen, Mark Rautenbach, Melissa Vandenberg, Rui Mouraou have been working in each locality since fall of 2019.
DISTANCIO is the continuation of SIDE-SHOW raising questions on responsibility, sharing, community, and voice. Performative and temporary artworks were presented during 2016 in Nässjö, Eksjö, Gisslaved and Vetlanda. Curators Therese Kellner and Nina Øverli in collaboration with Mike Bode commissioned by Region Jönköpings län/Jönköping County.